Thursday, February 25, 2016

Metrics That Matter – AHT (Average Handle Time)

AHT  the Most Misunderstood Metric in Call or Contact Centers


John-CockerillToday my topic is average handle time, or AHT, what it means to you and why it’s an important metric within the call and contact centers.

Average handle time is a wonderful tool. Everybody uses it and they believe they use it correctly. It’s a good measure particularly when you’re looking in a specific channel as to what is the midpoint of all of the call (contact) lengths that you’re taking in the center.


AHT is anAverage and is Simply  Midpoint of All the Conversations

One of the issues that often occurs is that often people are trying to manage agents to a particular average as opposed to recognizing that the average is simply a midpoint of all the conversations that are taking place in that channel.

Think, you’ve got some easy straightforward calls such as: what is my bank balance, to use a financial example, or I just need to change my address, to more long, complex calls like why is this transaction taking place or I need to fix this within the record that I have. So each channel has a variety of calls. Each with different lengths and complexity.

Also there are often differences between agents as well as the calls they take. Long term, experienced agents are capable of handling more complex calls and handle simple calls faster than new agents. This makes their easier calls look shorter in comparison to the same calls handled by newer agents. At the same time the complex calls they handle can be longer than everyone else’s due to the nature of the call.

A more useful measure and application for AHT is as the normal range of calls. Then manage down the agents that have abnormally long calls without explanation or abnormally short calls without explanation.

Both the unusually long and short calls are issues for a contact center, particularly if you’re watching agents and they are trying to manage their time back and forth. The risk in only managing to the average is all agents then watch their time and don’t focus on fixing the callers problems the first time.

It’s an issue that you need to be aware of and understand that the average is simply one of the measures of handling time and needs to be used in context.

This post is also available as a video post on our YouTube channel, click to watch the video here.

Email John or share your comments on this post to keep the discussion going

via The Taylor Reach Group Inc.

Metrics that Matter – Service Level

CT headshot 15-1

Hello, my name’s Colin Taylor and I’m the CEO and Chief Chaos Officer for the Taylor Reach Group. We are a call and contact center consulting firm based in the Toronto area. We assist our client organizations in improving the customer experience, operational effectiveness and efficiency of their call or contact center.

Today in this post, we’re going to chat a little bit about service level. Service level is probably one of the most common metrics employed at call and contact centers to define how the center is performing. Senior management becomes acclimatized to looking for that service level number and reacting to it as a gauge of how well they’re performing against targets and in meeting their customer needs. But not everyone understands what service level is really referring to.



When we look at service level, we are really referring to two different numbers, the first being the percentage of calls and the second being the period of time within which that percentage of calls is answered. So if we refer to a service level as 80-20,  that is telling us that 80% of the calls are being targeted to be answered within 20 seconds. The 20 seconds here is also referred to as Average Speed of Answer (ASA) or ‘wait time’. the 80/20 service level suggested above is actually the most common service level in place today for customer service organizations.

80/20 is the Most Common Service Level in Use Today

Now of course by definition, if we’re answering  80% of the calls within 20 seconds, we’re not answering 20% of the calls within that time period. The inference there is that those calls are being answered in a much longer time period, 60, 90, 120, even 360 seconds is possible, depending on the nature of your calls, contacts, and the average handle time.

Service level or total service factor…TSF, as it is referred to in some telephone systems…is a fairly standard metric you’ll find in most ACDs. Which means that you can establish a report and a reporting protocol that’ll generate performance reporting against this standard. It’ll tell you every day what percentage of your calls were answered within a 20-second period. So you may find that on day one, you’re at 83%, but on day two, you’re at 78%. You can even look at this on an inter-day measurement basis…every 15, 30 minutes, 60 minutes, …and gauge your performance against that target that way.

Have Service Levels for All Channels

It’s important in today’s world where we’re moving increasingly to multi-channel and omni-channel activities, that we look at the service level not just for the voice transactions alone, but also for emails, chat, or SMS interactions. Each of these channels requires that we define what our service level is. What is the standard that we aspire to deliver? In the voice calls, that may have been 80% of the calls within 20 seconds. But in email, that may equate to 80% of the emails within four hours, or chat 80% of the chat requests within 90 seconds.

Whatever those metrics are, as we define them for our organization, we will need to establish the reporting protocols and parameters to glean that information from whatever systems are appropriate, be that our ACD, our CRM, or our standalone point or niche solution supporting our email management or chat.

One Size Does Not Fit All

Remember a service level is an arbitrary number. There is no single perfect set of service levels that everybody should be using. The service levels employed, really need to relate to your organization and your customers. Every service level can in fact be different. What may be appropriate for one organization at 80-20 may be appropriate for a direct competitor at 90-10. Or at 70% of the calls in 60 seconds.

What is the customer experience you’re striving to deliver? And what is the service level that you can realistically match against that to become a reasonable standard metric for that experience and performance? So determine what your customers are expecting, what you have communicated to your customers that they should expect, and then establish your service levels to reflect these expectations.

Once you’ve established the service levels, determine how you’re going to report on these metrics over what periods of time. Remember that it is difficult to be perfect all the time. There will be periods during any given day where you’ll receive more contacts and your service level will decline. That’s to be expected.

When somebody sets out to meet an 80-20 standard, they don’t expect to meet it 100% of the time. But they do expect to meet it the vast majority of the time and they expect to meet it on average for that day. It’s important that we establish a standard, establish how we’re going to gain the reporting, generate the reports, and then be able to manage and take action based on the data generated.

Thank you very much for your time. I hope you found this post interesting and informative.

This post is also available as a video post on our YouTube channel, click to watch the video here.

Email Colin or share your comments on this post to keep the discussion going

via The Taylor Reach Group Inc.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Colin Taylor on Why to Select Taylor Reach

Check out this video where Colin Taylor the CEO and Chief Chaos Officer of the Taylor Reach Group, shares the reasons why he feels organizations should choose Taylor Reach

via The Taylor Reach Group Inc.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

‘Data is a king, at the end of the day the person with the best data wins’ – an interview with Colin Taylor

CT headshot 15-1Colin Taylor was recently interviewed and featured on Data2CRM website. The website can be found here

Thank you to Nataliia and the folks at Data2CRM for the chance to chat.
Editor’s note: Nowadays, as the customer experience has an extensive impact on the metrics of a business ranging from consumer loyalty and brand equities to cost saving and increased revenues. Thus, we decided to present an interview with Colin Taylor, CEO and CCO (Chief Chaos Officer) The Taylor Reach Group, Inc. Recognized as one of the country’s leading contact/call center and customer experience experts, Colin shares exciting stories of his successful career path as well as gives practical insights on how to improve productivity, employee engagement, and service level performance. Also, he singles out the main points of CRM importance and how the system can influence the sales cycle.

1. Colin, you have an impressive professional background. It’s been more than 35 years since you first customer call, hasn’t it? Do you mind sharing the brightest moments or funny stories of your career path?

It has been a fantastic and wild ride so far. I have been fortunate to work with some great colleagues and clients. Our efforts have been recognized for excellence on two continents and we are regularly ranked among the most knowledgeable resources for customer experience, contact center and call centers, all of which is very flattering. But the best part of my career so far has been helping to develop experts in customer care, customer experience and call and contact center management. Collectively we have helped thousands of organizations improve the way they interact with millions of customers.

Regarding funny stories, there are too many to mention, a sense of humour is actually one of the attributes we screen applicants for. It is important not to take ourselves or the vagrancies of life too seriously and if you don’t have a sense of humour, its just not funny and work becomes a four letter word.

2. Recognized as a leading contact/call center and CX expert, you obtained a number of awards and worked with Fortune 500 clients on three continents. What are the secrets of your success and the essential points of your motivation?

I think we are all learners and that it is our learning that leads to speculation about what could be possible. In my office I have a sign that reads “Always Make New Mistakes”, if we are making new mistakes, we are learning. Of course if we are simply repeating old mistakes, we are failing to learn. I think it is this quest to always make new mistakes that has led me to experiment, innovate and persevere.

3. Now, you are leading The Taylor Reach Group, Inc. from 2003 that provides consulting and advisory services to different customer focused organizations related to their client experience interactions. So, what are the best methods to improve customer experience? Are there effective tools or techniques that you would like to share with us?

Wow, that’s a far reaching question. In terms of the best methods for improving customer experience, I would share the following strategy;

You need to know what the customer experience you are delivering today. This is the old maxim that you can’t manage what you can’t measure. To gather this information you will look at surveys (Customer Satisfaction, Net Promoter Score, Customer Effort etc.). Ideally you will measure this not just at the enterprise level…”how satisfied are you with your dealings with brand X”, but also at the process or journey level… “how satisfied were you with your online order process” and the interaction level… “how satisfied were you with you interaction on May 4th”. With measurements in place you can establish the baseline against which you can measure future improvement.

Identify what customer experience you wish to deliver. This sounds easy, but a surprising number of organizations haven’t really defined this. A mission statement that says the company is committed to “a world class customer experience” doesn’t do it. You need to be specific. In all of the company communications, marketing, and advertising we make statement and create expectations on what the experience should be. These messages and expectations need to defined and documented to define the customer experience that the organization wishes to deliver.
Now we know what we expect the experience to be and how we are performing, we can begin to identify how to close the ‘gap’ between the two. This stage likely involves journey mapping and aligning the contact center training, and coaching to the desired experience.

4. As it states on your website: “We do not believe in a cookie cutter approach where one size is supposed to fit all.” What do you mean by that?

No two call or contact centers are the same, their evolution to get them to where they are today is unique, the nature of their contacts and customers is unique and their goals and ambitions for the center or their customer experience is also unique. To approach each project with a single of small set of solutions, is akin to only having a hammer in your tool box…every problem looks like a nail. We look at each organization holistically and examine all of the ‘moving parts’ or the each activity or process that touches the customer or the contact center.

5. In today’s fast-changing business world, many companies implement CRM systems into their working process. As customer-centric organizations include a lot of data, is it critical to set up CRM and how can you benefit from using it?

Data is king, at the end of the day the person with the best data wins 😉 Seriously, in order to be customer centric you need to know your customer, in great detail; what are their preferences, what products or services do they consume and they supporters, advocates or detractors etc. If you do not have a CRM or similar system, how will you capture, analyze and leverage this data and information to be customer centric? A CRM of some type becomes table stakes for customer centricity and customer experience management.

6. Colin, in your opinion, what are the stages of sales pipeline and how CRM software can impact the cycle?

A CRM isn’t just a sales tool, it is a customer information management system. CRM was a strategy before it was a technology. The strategy was to know and track all aspects of a customer, or prospects interactions with the company to improve sales, service, support and customer service. CRM technologies originally evolved out of Sales Force Automation (SFA) tools and Customer Information Systems (CIS).

From a sales pipeline perspective the most common stages are ‘Suspect’, those who may have a need for your product or service if only they knew you existed, ‘Prospect’, those who do know we exist and may have a need for our product or services, ‘Qualified’ those who do have a confirmed need for our products or services, ‘Proposal’, those have a proposal from us regarding purchasing our products or services, the final stages are resultant; Closed- Won, Closed – Lost, and Withdrawn.

From a customer experience perspective we want to be able to leverage known customer information to gain insights into the customers’ behaviors and satisfaction. Are they prospects for an upsell or a complimentary product, Are they at a high risk to attrite, are they advocates/detractors, do they interact digitally etc. All od which can help guide us to improve our services and offering to deliver a better and superior customer experience, that also improves Life Time Value, sales, revenues and share of wallet.

7. To sum up, would you give our readers the final tips on how to overcome their customer experience challenges, so they can start working on it right away?

I would suggest that you need to know where you are today and how you are performing, You need to know that every situation and client is different and that one size will never fit all companies. You need to define where you want to get to in terms of the customer service over what time horizon. This will then allow you to create a roadmap to realize your goal. Finally I would suggest that the contact or call center is a great place to begin to implement changes as more than 50% of customer interactions will generally occur in the contact center.

We would like to thank Colin for the interesting answers about the main steps of his background as well as useful advice towards defining and managing customer experience. For sure, our readers will enjoy learning your tactful and strategic insights and implement them into working process.

via The Taylor Reach Group Inc.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Customer Experience Consultancy Adds Ottawa to Markets Served

February 12, 2016

Customer Experience Consultancy Adds Ottawa to Markets Served

Garry pic

Toronto,- Mr. Colin Taylor, The CEO and Chief Chaos Officer of The Taylor Reach Group, Inc. announced today that Garry Schultz has joined the customer experience and contact center consulting firm effective immediately.

“Garry is an experienced Customer Care strategist with expertise in assisting post-sale-support operations to mature & grow. With over twenty-five years as an executive manager for high-technology post-sale support operations Garry has lived the omni-channel evolution from yesterday’s telephony centric operations to fully integrated multichannel Social Media driven operations. A relentless focus on meaningful performance metrics has served as the foundation to Garry’s success in both B2C and B2B operations,” said Taylor.

“Most recently Garry was VP of Global operations for AVG Technologies operating with centres in US, Canada, Philippines, Poland, Israel and the Czech Republic. Prior to that, at Rovi Corporation (Roxio brand) serving 350M consumers globally. Garry is intimate with meeting emerging technology challenges head-on; and has successfully engaged with the freeimum model, operational net-to-zero (support as a profit center vs cost center), streaming services and SaaS environments to name a few”, said Taylor, “Garry has demonstrated leadership in the contact center industry and is a positive addition to the Taylor Reach team”

Garry lives in Ottawa with his wife. He is a published business author (Customer Care & Contact Center Handbook ) and has been translated into German, Spanish and Chinese.

“I am confident in our team, our methodology and our capabilities that know that Garry adds more depth and breadth to Taylor Reach”, says Taylor, “Since 2003 we have helped hundreds of clients achieve their customer experience and contact center objectives, Garry will help us keep this growth continuing for years to come.”

“Taylor Reach has recently signed new engagements to complete Strategic Assessments, design and implement a new quality monitoring process, overhaul BPO on-boarding and training process, advise on Customer Experience, acquire new telephony and complete a research study on B2C outbound telemarketing in the US and Canada”, Taylor said.

About The Taylor Reach Group, Inc.

With offices in the United States, Canada, Australia, Europe and China, The Taylor Reach Group, Inc. (Taylor Reach) a is leading Call/Contact Center Consulting Customer Experience and Customer Service consulting firm. This award winning company founded in 2003 by Colin Taylor today boasts a stable of Fortune 1000 companies. The consulting staff at Taylor Reach each possess more than 20 years of ‘hands-on’ Call/Contact Center, Customer Experience, Customer Service and Customer Satisfaction experience in delivering effective and significant benefits from Operational Innovation.

The Taylor Reach Group, Inc. – Leaders in Call Center and Customer Service consulting – All We Do is Call/Center and Customer Experience Consulting

For more information about The Taylor Reach Group, Inc. visit or phone Colin Taylor at 1866-334-3730

via The Taylor Reach Group Inc.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Customer Experience Consultancy Expands West With Newest Hire

Taylor Reach Group Adds Calgary to Markets With a Local Presence

Colin Lavery

Mr. Colin Taylor, The CEO and Chief Chaos Officer of The Taylor Reach Group, Inc. announced today that Colin Lavery has joined the customer experience and contact center consulting firm effective immediately.

Colin has over 20 years of solid customer service experience, and brings to the Taylor Reach Group, his management experience, and in depth of experience in emergency and crisis management, business continuity, disaster recovery, training, quality assurance. Colin has deep experience in process, policies & procedures, restructured departments, improved workflow and delivering extraordinary cost savings throughout the organization.

“Colin provides a presence for us in western Canada, we are excited to have Colin on board. His experience and competencies add further depth to the Taylor Reach team, said Taylor, “Colin has demonstrated leadership in the contact center industry and is a positive addition to the Taylor Reach team”

Colin attended the University of Calgary and is based in Calgary Alberta. Colin will service and support, both existing and new Taylor Reach clients in western Canada.

“I am confident in our team, our methodology and our capabilities that know that Colin adds more depth and breadth to Taylor Reach”, says Taylor, “Since 2003 we have helped hundreds of clients achieve their customer experience and contact center objectives, Colin will help us keep this growth continuing for years to come.”

“Taylor Reach has recently signed new agreements with clients in the eCommerce, publishing, education, not-for-profit, utility sectors”, Taylor said.

About The Taylor Reach Group, Inc.
With three offices in North America, Australia, Europe and China, The Taylor Reach Group, Inc. (Taylor Reach) a is leading Call/Contact Center Consulting Customer Experience and Customer Service consulting firm. This award winning company founded in 2003 by Colin Taylor today boasts a stable of Fortune 1000 companies. The consulting staff at Taylor Reach each possess more than 20 years of ‘hands-on’ Call/Contact Center, Customer Experience, Customer Service and Customer Satisfaction experience in delivering effective and significant benefits from Operational Innovation.

The Taylor Reach Group, Inc. – Leaders in Call, Contact Center and Customer Service consulting – All We Do is Call Center Consulting

For more information about The Taylor Reach Group, Inc. visit or phone Colin Taylor at 1 866-334-3730

via The Taylor Reach Group Inc.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Call Center Outsourcing Industry Trends – Q &A interview

Call Center Outsourcing Industry Trends – Q &A interview with Outsource Consultants President, Corey Kotlarz


The call center outsourcing industry is a rapidly changing. Technology and locations are always evolving, which means that it can be hard to keep up with the right information. This interview with Corey Kotlarz, a call center outsourcing industry expert, explains some of the latest trends in call center technologies, the current most popular locations for outsourcing, and where the call center outsourcing hot spots will be in the near future.

  1. What role has technology played in the growth of the outsource call center industry?

Corey: All aspects of technology have played a significant role in the growth of the industry. From workforce software and ACD call routing software to predictive dialers, interactive voice response (IVR), and now multichannel support. Multichannel is the new evolution (it involves all customer touch points like voice, live chat, email, social media and SMS).

Technology is allowing everything to become much more efficient and allows organizations to drive performance and growth. The most recent hot trend in the call center industry is Cloud-based technology. The Cloud enables small and mid-sized BPOs (or any company, for that matter) to deliver the same robust features and capabilities as the largest BPOs i.e. ACD, predictive dialer, IVR technology, live web chat, email, ability to record 100% of all calls, and reporting dashboards. So now, the small and medium BPOs are able to play at that level of the “big guys” in the industry.

  1. India was the top location for call center outsourcing ten years ago, but recently the Philippines has become the hot spot. What is the reason for this shift?

Corey: Ten to fifteen years ago, major corporations were outsourcing to India as a cost reduction strategy. India did well in regards to reducing costs. Historically, as well as today, India is very good at technical support-based applications with knowledgeable, intelligent, and highly skilled agents. However, there was some level of dissatisfaction among consumers based on cultural and language disconnect.

Over the last five years, the Philippines has grown rapidly and has become the largest call center outsourcing market in the world projecting over $25 billion in outsourcing revenue next year (Lee, 2015). This is due to a strong understanding of American culture. Filipino schools that teach English, which leads to very good English-speaking agents. Thus, the customer experience due to the agent quality has been enhanced tremendously with this shift to the Philippines.

In the Philippines, telemarketing and customer service outsourcing is growing particularly fast. Filipino call centers can be cost competitive, on par or close to the cost model of India. That is why the country’s popularity has become so strong. They have all of the pieces to the puzzle, such as the telecommunications and Internet infrastructure, awareness of the cultural aspects of the United States, and the English-speaking agents.

  1. Where do you think the outsource call center industry is going in terms of location(s) and technology? Will there be a new hot spot in the near future?

Corey: With Fortune 1000 corporations moving their outsourcing from India to the Philippines, many of the large corporations who are outsourcing are now all over the country and over saturation will become a problem. These corporations are putting all their eggs in one basket, and now they need to add redundancy by outsourcing to an additional geographical region to diversify their risk and exposure.

Their goal is to find the same features and benefits of the Philippines: great English-speaking agents, great culture, quality education, and similar pricing, which can be found in nearshore markets such as: Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Jamaica, Belize, El Salvador, Jamaica and Mexico. In the next five years, there is going to be significant growth as the neighboring regions’ cultural affinity is strong and the Internet and telecom infrastructure has been building out over the last several years. Nearshore market growth is going to be the next Philippines, if you will.

As the Cloud-based call center software technology grows, multichannel capabilities allow call centers to open up in these nearshore markets with all the latest and greatest features and functionality. Personally, I’m a big fan of Belize and Guyana. The language of choice within the educational system is English. English-speaking agents in those countries are very strong. I see growth in those two countries over the next several years.

  1. While the Philippines and India have been popular choices for companies looking to outsource with call centers, your company likes to recommend “hidden gem” locations in addition to the traditional “Top 10” industry’s largest BPO outsource call center options. What is the reason for this?

Corey: Outsource Consultants is always looking for the best vendors in the marketplace and the best regions that are not oversaturated. We don’t want to recommend a center or region that will be oversaturated with too many call centers in the next two to three years. We’ve seen that trend in more mature Tier 1 markets like Manila in the Philippines: it’s a big city, with oversaturation of outsource call centers, leading to higher agent attrition rates. However, cities like Cebu or Davao City in the Philippines haven’t become as saturated yet, and still offer all the benefits of a Philippine call center.

Outsource Consultants’ business model is that we don’t typically work with the “Top 10” largest BPOs that are the billion dollar players in the market. We look to partner with the mid-tier, hidden-gem organizations, meaning three hundred to five thousand seats. These organizations are more flexible, hands-on, having unique specializations as far as industry vertical markets, call type specializations (inbound, outbound), and service type focus such as customer care, technical support, sales, or lead generation.

We like to work with the mid-tier call centers so that you’re not a small fish in a big sea, but an important, hands-on, strategic partner of these mid-tier centers. Clients have relationships with the executive team and we feel that’s a much more constructive partnership than working with the big organizations where if you’re not outsourcing one hundred or more seats, you’re not going to get the attention of the executive team, thus the performance would not meet most standards. That is, in essence, the philosophy behind Outsource Consultants, which has led to higher satisfaction and enhanced performance for our clients.

Works Cited:

Lee, D. (2015, February 1). The Philippines has become the call-center capital of the world. Retrieved November 4, 2015, from Los Angeles Times:

Click here to reach Corey

via The Taylor Reach Group Inc.

Intent is Key When Designing an Employee Experience Plan


 By: JD Fairweather

The key to a good employee engagement plan is the intent. If the intent is only to increase productivity, revenue, or customer growth—any gains achieved will likely not last long.

Now that customer experience is recognized as the differential between competitors many organizations are planning to improve those experiences by deploying employee engagement programs. The thought is that by increasing employee engagement the customer experience will improve resulting in gains in both revenue and customer growth.

Although productivity, revenue, and customer growth are benefits of positive employee experiences, using the happiness of employees to drive growth is a poor approach and one that will likely fail.

Here are a 5 questions to ask yourself when creating an employee engagement plan to ensure its success—

Is it Authentic

If you can’t honestly say the project is for the betterment of the employees don’t fake it, find or hire someone to lead the program that can. Create advocates not enemies by being genuine in your approach; nothing creates an enemy of change more than the feeling of being manipulated.

Include advocates from each impacted department early in the planning process and acknowledge their contributions in the final plan.

Is There an Executive Champion

Nothing is worse than starting an employee engagement plan and not having the backing to see it through.  Even rumors of a plan that goes unimplemented will negatively affect morale and trust with your employees.

Get an executive to champion the project, the higher-up the better. Be sure to include both the desired qualitative and quantitative results that show value, providing result driven metrics for the executive to share in the c-suite will help garner more support for the initiative.  Remember though, some of the greatest growth is in the people impacted and that can be immeasurable so don’t keep pushing.

Is it LongTerm

Don’t think short term, include goals in the plan that might not see success for some years to come. Career, financial, family wellness, skill-set and health improvements can take years to achieve but are very important to your employees.

Is it Transparent 

No secret slide decks or hidden agendas, everything should be decided and shared openly to establish and maintain trust throughout the campaign.

Transparency is not only about removing secrecy, it also extends to clarity and having a clear vision for the well-being of your employees and the value they bring will go a long way.

Is it Fair

Value for you, value for them. A great employee engagement plan is an agreement between both parties, it must benefit the employee and the organization.

Upping employee benefits and pay increases is great, but not if it makes the company financially unstable. Open floor plans only work if majority of the staff enjoy working outside the confinement of cubes and walls.

A plan that only brings value to one and not the other is guaranteed to fail.

It’s great to see companies looking to improve the experiences of their employees, by establishing one with the right intent any uptick in performance will be natural and lasting.

Are you planning an employee engagement initiative? Do you have one going on now that has stalled out? Let us know, we would love to discuss some proven methods on establishing one and keeping it on-track.

via The Taylor Reach Group Inc.

Monday, February 1, 2016

The Year in Review

Bottom Line

The Bottom Line on 2015

Well 2015 is now firmly in the rear-view mirror and we have already dispatched 1/12 of 2016.

As I look back on the year it was 2015, I can see how busy it really was.

We completed projects for a number of wonderful clients including a large educational publisher, one of the most respected names in the Newspaper industry, one of the most recognizable charities in the country, we also worked with one of the most famous names in rock and roll, to establish a direct to consumer contact center, built a call center for a medical laboratory company in less than 30 days, and completed technology consulting for a New York based eCommerce company.

In 2015 we completed a number of Contact Center Strategic Assessments, in locations including New York, South Carolina, Iowa, Ontario, Alberta, New Brunswick, British Columbia, and Medellin Colombia. Other projects took us to San Francisco, Atlanta, Boston, Phoenix and Ottawa.

We completed technology acquisition projects for telephony, workforce management, and IVR systems. We worked on training redesign, process management, forecasting/scheduling, and reporting engagements. We completed custom research and numerous benchmarking projects and provided guidance to Fortune 500 company senior leadership regarding Customer Experience.

We were fortunate to recognized as leaders in the  Customer Experience, Customer Service and Contact Center space
Influencers Cover

If you have call, contact center or customer experience initiatives in any of the areas we have identified above planned for this year, we would love to speak with you regarding how we could help.

Find Out more about Taylor Reach Services

via The Taylor Reach Group Inc.