Customer Experience is the New Marketing: Servicing Customers and Building Brand
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Thursday, November 15th, 2012
Guest Speaker and Industry Expert
Colin Taylor Founder and CEO
The Taylor Reach Group
CSR’s Delivering Branding and Service
How Contact Centers Should Work with Marketing…and Vice Versa
New Techniques: Customer Mirrors
6 Tools for Branded Customer Experience
Insights from 3 F500 Examples
A powerful element of the customer experience is the marketing message and selling. True contact center branding is longer lasting and less expensive than traditional marketing. Leading companies leverage this trend to literally build their business, but can established companies do the same? CSR’s just focus on metrics, handle time and contacts processed. Marketing lives in their own world and simply emails positioning updates.
Well-known industry expert Colin Taylor shares insights and tools to empower CSR’s into brand builders. Agents are the touch points for customer interaction, and new techniques like customer mirrors uncover discrepancies. Learn how contact center and marketing execs actually align their efforts (and budgets), then secure the productivity tools that CSR’s need to elevate their customer experience. Joey Fulcher from Keynomics shares the learning a Fortune 500 insurance company uncovered as it traveled this road.
via The Taylor Reach Group - Call Center Consultants
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